A number of pediatricians, pediatric specialists, and physicians who take care of children in their practices recently joined forces to issue a declaration regarding covid-19 public health policy harms to children. They are particularly concerned about the risk of experimental covid-19 genetic injections in children who are only at risk for mild disease with covid-19.
This group has aligned themselves with Global Covid Summit (GCS), a group of over 17,000 vetted physicians and scientists, who have released four other declarations since September 2021. The group has also held a number of events, engaging with the public on covid-19 public health policy information.
My husband, pastor and pediatric cardiologist Kirk Milhoan, MD, PhD, and I have been involved with Global Covid Summit since October 2021. We so appreciate the many courageous physicians of various specialties who have engaged the battle for covid-19 public health policy truth. There have been many physicians who take care of both adults and children who have spoken up, but relatively few who take care of only children.
I have at least a couple theories on why the pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists are the last to speak.
First, since children, in general, have very mild disease with covid-19, pediatric physicians have not observed a lot of severe covid-19 disease in their clinical practices. The physicians who take care of adults have much more clinical experience on which to make observations.
Second, as I’ve written elsewhere, pediatric specialists, in general, are incredibly pro-vaccine and quite averse to being labeled “anti-vax.” I believe the majority of physicians, along with the majority of the public, trusted the new covid-19 “vaccine” products had the same mechanism of action as previous vaccines (they don’t, which is why I use quotation marks when referring to them as “vaccines”) and that the regulatory system governing them was reliable to keep patients safe. Past vaccines, like Rotashield, were taken off the market appropriately when they met a conservative adverse safety signal. Despite more reports of adverse events to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting (VAERS) system since these products were introduced than the previous 30 years for all vaccines combined, the regulatory system has not worked to take them off the market.
Pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists are now seeing adverse side effects of the experimental covid-19 genetic injections in their practices.
Most physicians have sworn an oath consistent with “First, Do No Harm.” Observed harm inspires courage to speak and act.
There is still an incredible disincentive for physicians to speak publicly. A pediatrician called my husband and said he was seeing harm. He also said he was part of a practice that would not support his speaking out. He asked for referral sources for his “vaccine”-injured patients. There were several pediatric specialists who helped draft the GCS Pediatric Declaration who wanted to remain anonymous out of fear of retribution. Most of the doctors in the working group had already faced job loss or license investigation for daring to offer truly informed consent to patients and/or their parents regarding risks, benefits, and alternatives to the new “vaccine” products.
Revered physician and educator Sir William Osler, who wrote the textbook The Principles and Practice of Medicine (1892) advised physicians to “observe, record, tabulate, communicate.” Observation of harm raises clinical alarm. As more harm is recorded and tabulated, there is an obligation to communicate that harm. We all know correlation does not necessarily mean causation. Standardized tests for my medical license used to have a type of question requiring analysis of two statements regarding: 1) whether they were true or not; and 2) whether they were related observations. At this point, such a question on current “vaccine” safety would have to be answered: 1) There been recent introduction of a new “vaccine” product: True. 2) Adverse events are being observed in patients who have been exposed to these products: True. Related? Unknown but worth caution and further evaluation.
As an anesthesiologist, I administer numerous medications intravenously, sometimes in short time course. When I observe an adverse reaction, it is sometimes difficult to determine the causal agent. I always communicate the type of the reaction to the patient, the agents I believed caused it, recommendations for further testing if indicated, and how to communicate this to subsequent providers. I am not necessarily obligated to determine the harmful agent. I am required to inform that the harm occurred and advise the patient accordingly.
Harms are occurring. We are obligated as physicians to inform. We are hoping for more courageous physicians to join us.