It is often therapeutic just to be heard. We share our stories because we feel isolated and like we've lost touch with reality. It has hard to process what has gone on around us. I pray for healing for us all!

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This is a well written article; reflecting in many ways the clarity of the simple truth.

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This is absolutely wonderful. Thank you for sharing!

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Well written Kim. God Bless you and your husband for your efforts!!

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Thank you for this profound testimony, reflecting the experience of so many good "Do no harm" doctors, the Covid heroes. The first book I read after my own awakening to the Covid 'more spin than substance narrative' was Jay Andrew's, Douglas Axe & Wm M Briggs, The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny of Experts Turned a Pandemic into a Catastrophe. I followed FLCCC videos of IVM success and lived the heartbreak of govts ignoring and suppressing early treatments, and everything Dr. Byram Bridle has shared (and been vilified for sharing truth).

The division caused in relationships with my family and with neighbours has been so painful.

As a high school English teacher I taught Riva Minsky's, The Cage, a memoir of a Holocaust survivor. Students loved the unit and learned the importance of why so much art, music, and literature, continues to be written about that decades past tragic era. I believe that with Covid (or, as I often call it, Covidiocy) we need to continue telling our stories, as you have done so poignantly, as part of our healing from the countless abuses and harms done to humanity under the guise of "Follow the Science".

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God Bless you, your family, your ministry, and your medical practice....

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Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing and sharing with my physician father (who shares your faith and has reached similar conclusions).

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Compiled a living list of Covid care and Vaccine Detox links from doctors, naturopaths and research - https://thegreatwakeup.substack.com/p/covid-vaccine-detox-resource-list?

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Thanks so much for this. I've saved bits and pieces all over, and really needed this easy to reference, all in one place, Detox resources.

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Permission to republish on Frontline News?

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As a hospital nurse I was scared and didn't mind the beginnings of the lockdowns in order to "stop the spread." When I heard about people being kept off the beaches and a surfer being arrested I began to question the logic. I researched and never stripped down before coming in to my house as my coworkers did and never wiped down my groceries. When a holistic dentist shared FLCCC with my husband I researched and obtained Rx from telehealth for my mom and later my husband just in case. The HMO docs refused to prescribe and ID just ignored when I requested before I headed back to my floor in November after a vacation. We became the med/surg covid floor and our rooms were outfitted with two beds and we were allowed to go out of ratio thanks to our great CA governor. I've never been in the military, but thought that maybe this is what it was like in a war zone. We gave out meds to 8-14 patients and then started again hoping they would all be alive when we came back. We reused our N-95s all day and kept them in a paper bag so we could use it the next week. Management was nowhere to be found and I knew nothing about this Remdesivir we were giving to almost everyone. When I had to transfer a young man to step down after he had to be placed on high flow oxygen, I was sure he would be back on our floor soon. A few days later I spoke about the patient to the ID Dr and asked if he had heard of the FLCCC protocol and ivermectin. He started rambling, but the answer was that a patient or family member had to ask for it. He died about 3 weeks later after being vented and that is all I want to say about that.

One of my patients was a no-code, 50-ish, not obese with a developmental delay. He felt crappy with fever, I gave tylenol as ordered and he was happy and thanked me for the jell-o. The next day he was on bi-pap and not looking well, started on antibiotics, ID rounded. I went to lunch and he passed. There were bodies on backboards in the ante-room of our morgue. I had two male patients in their 50's who looked really good, but they kept dropping their O2 sats when they took off their oxygen, which they kept doing. They both had a cardiac arrest; one could not be revived, the other was intubated and thought to be brain damaged. My church friends online argued with me that it was just another flu. It was painful.

I heard about one church couple struggling at home, not feeling better. Brought the supplements they were lacking, told them to gargle and they recovered quickly sans ivermectin.

Jan. 2021 omicron made its rounds among many of us on my floor. I believe I got it from a vaxxed coworker and my 70 yr old husband got it about 3-4 days later. We had been taking recommended supplements and low dose ivermectin weekly. I only had enough to give us both 5 days of 0.2mg/kg, but my husband got his first dose at 2 am when I heard him moaning and he felt much better the next day. I was in a daze and didn't take my first dose until more than 24 hours after aches started. We are both unjabbed. I finally started getting deliveries from around the world in time to treat the partially vaxxed step-son who was crying with hip pain. Dramatic improvement next day. My son who lives with my 86yr old mom had a "cold" (both unvaxxed) and I had him provide some saliva for PCR. It finally came back positive the day my mom woke up sick. My son was able to get out the ivermectin for her to take with breakfast and she went to sleep. I packed some stuff and supplements and camped at my mom's for a week. I woke her up and forced her to take a little food with supplements. My vaxxed brother showed up with a home test and it was positive. He called the healthcare provider and set up phone appointment the next day. He wanted her to try monoclonal antibodies. Despite the evidence I had been sharing, he wasn't convinced. He was scared. The next day she woke up feeling terrific at first, but was extremely tired for days. The Dr first offered Remdesivir, then anti-virals, then monoclonals. I continued to research, my conspiracy aunt called and told her no, way and she was just too tired by then. I told the docs she was getting ivermectin. She has CML and Afib. She remembers very little about those days I found out recently. Crazy, explosive diarrhea as I have never seen before started up after about a week. I got her some coconut water and cut it with some Bai to taste. When I was able to get her labs drawn, she was indeed deficient in Na and K and others.

Last March CA mandated boosters for HCW. Many of the staff grumbled since they had just had covid, but none complained to the union, management, etc. What I have seen is a whole lot of autoimmune stuff since then. New and reactivation of eczema, vitiligo and a rare one I forget the name of that is causing horrible pain in the mouth and required a second opinion outside of the HMO to get diagnosed. One of the night charge RNs has a wife employed at another hospital and they posted pics of them getting the booster at an outside pharmacy because they didn't want to wait. The next thing I saw was a post about her wearing a Holter monitor for her irregular heartbeat. Sis in law developed new HTN and now on meds, another one with cholecystectomy then lupus diagnosis. Another RN about to have ablation for SVT. I heard about half a dozen RNs in a FB group complaining about the same thing. And recently from another floor a healthy husband and a teen died suddenly.

My college-aged daughter who also lives with my mom ended up getting the primary series and a booster as required by the college. She told no one when she did it. I offered to help her with an exemption request for booster after I became aware and she refused to discuss it. I asked her if she had any period issues and she started to tell an evasive story. I drove to a functional medicine office and bought systemic enzymes when it became apparent she was going to take the booster, but I believe she did not take any. She has entered a very fierce, independent stage and fears for her safety has added stress to my life.

One of the church friends who stopped talking to me ended up getting covid around May last year. He refused to get medical care since it was just a flu. He was found dead. I wanted to advance my learning beyond my BSN and settled on an expensive certificate course in functional medicine. I believe God led me to this path because it looks like the NP and Master's are blocked with mandates I will not be entertaining. It would take pages to write about all the bizarre and sad cases I am seeing in the hospital. The more I learn, the more I am astounded at the lack of knowledge in allopathic medicine that doesn't come from prescription medications. I had an OB/GYN fire me as a patient because I had consulted with a functional medicine Dr. and hormones were discussed and she wanted me on a higher dose of prometrium. I still can't believe the unprofessional words and attitude from this Dr who I had never met in person who had seemed open to the research articles I provided in order to get my topical estrogen and had the provera changed to the natural form I had first requested. The lack of humility and genuine interest in facts is a problem, not just in medicine. A recent sermon spoke of gentleness in word and deed so I don't ruin my witness. This is what I need God's help with because there is so much that can set me off these days. This became like a diary entry for me. Wow.

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great science, common sense, and faith

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Excellent article! What a blessing you are to the people of Maui. We live in a small California town where we were blessed to have 2 local doctors who believed in early treatment and preventive treatments, saving many lives. We are in our 70s, did not get the vaccine, had a mild case of covid in Aug. 2021 with early treatment and no re-infection so far.

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Thank you so much, doctor, both for your care during this illness and for this wonderful article! God bless you! You have been such a blessing to others! This story needs to go viral in order for people to begin to see and learn from what happened at this moment in history. They need to see the contrast between that and your treatment of your patients and community during this time---ie, what should have happened on a widespread scale in the medical community.

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Dear caring Doctor Kimberly Milhoan, Thank you for your article! Have you ever considered natural healing methods for this type of virus? No Pharma, just something biologically natural, such as garlic, or Papaya leaf extract. Both of these are strong anti-pathogenic, and worthy of some study through controlled experimentation. The latter has been successfully used to cure Dengue Fever, and Malaria, both of which, as you know, are serious. I have not heard of anyone doing a single test on the C viruses by these simple herbs. And I wonder why not. Thank you for your time, which is at a premium. Yours, Sincerely, Ray

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